2014 has been an incredible year, both for Plague Inc. and Ndemic Creations (I know I say this every year :P ). It's been a year of significant growth as we infected new platforms, countries and lots of new players - as well as releasing a number of major game updates.
- A total of 45 million players have now been infected with Plague Inc. - that's over 0.6% of the global population!
- We launched Plague Inc: Evolved for PC and Mac in Steam Early Access
- We partnered with the summer blockbuster movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and released a major 'Simian Flu' update for Plague Inc.
- Plague Inc. was one of the very top games of the App Store worldwide in 2014
None of this would have been possible without the support of all the people who play my little game. Thank you so, so much.

Read on for a list of notable events that happened in 2014, some numbers on how Plague Inc. has done and a look ahead to what's planned in 2015…
Notable Events of 2014
- Plague Inc: Evolved launched for PC/Mac in Steam Early Access
- "Mega Mutation" 1.8 was released - adding Mega-Brutal difficulty and new scenarios
- Ndemic Creations grew to a core team of 6 and was featured in Wired Magazine's UK Games Talent article
- Live on the E3 stage, MIcrosoft announced that Plague Inc: Evolved is coming to Xbox One
- The official Ndemic Creations forum launched
- Plague Inc. launched in China for iOS and topped the charts for over two months!
- Players helped make the game even better, by providing city images, news headlines and translations
- The Simian Flu update (Mutation 1.9), a partnership with 20th Century Fox for the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes movie, was a huge success (called one of the best movie/game tie-ins of the year!)
- The Scenario Creator launched for PC/Mac - and we wrote tips on how to make your scenario go viral
- On a much more serious note, in response to the horrific Ebola outbreak in Western Africa - the Plague Inc. community pulled together to raise over $76k for charities working to fight the disease.
- The Plague Inc. soundtrack was released - available on iTunes, Bandcamp and Steam
- Happiness infected the world in the Santa's Little Helper update (Mutation 1.10)
- The Windows Phone version of Plague Inc. was (finally!) revealed
- I survived a Reddit AMA!

Ndemic Creations at work!
How did Plague Inc. do?
For the third year in a row, Plague Inc. was one of the best selling mobile games worldwide (and it had a great first year for PC and Mac!).
On iOS in 2014, Plague Inc. was:
- The 3rd most popular paid game in the US (up from #5 last year!)
- The most popular paid app in China and France
- One of the top ten most popular apps in Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the UK
Although there aren't concrete figures shown for Android, it continues to do extremely well there also!
Plague Inc: Evolved has also had a hugely successful first year on Steam for PC and Mac - selling over 100,000 units in its first month alone. We will be announcing a big milestone shortly... :)
As mentioned above - this is only possible thanks to the support of millions and millions of players who recommend the game to their friends. Thank you!

Plans for 2015
We've already made some big announcements for things that are coming in 2015 and you can expect lots of other cool things as well... :) Here is a sneak preview:
- Top Priority - finish Plague Inc: Evolved, releasing multiplayer, and launching fully on PC, Mac and Linux
- Continue to update and add new content for Plague Inc. and Plague Inc: Evolved - including new disease types, scenarios and lots more!
- Release Plague Inc. on Windows Phone
- Release Plague Inc: Evolved on Xbox One
- Translate the game into more languages
- Top secret, special plans (may include cuddly disease plushies)...